Manifest Your Homestead

How to Manifest your Homestead into Reality

Episode Summary

What should you be doing right now in order to manifest the homestead of your dreams? Host, Lizz Smoak, takes you through the steps of bringing your homestead into view and defines the two major factors needed to be successful in your manifestation practice.

Episode Transcription

Hey, Hey — it’s Lizz your host and hopeful homesteader and you’re probably wondering how does one manifest a farm exactly?

Well in this episode I am going to clarify exactly what I mean by “Manifest your homestead” and show you the first steps in the manifestation practice.

Welcome to Manifest your Homestead, the Podcast Where farmers in waiting work toward building the sustainable lives they dream of. No matter how big or small your current patch of earth is, we work together through manifesting and business building ideas that get you going on the road to the homestead of your dreams.

But we’re not just dreaming, hoping and wishing here — no we are taking action right now and working on our daily manifestation practice knowing that our corner of heaven is already out there waiting for us, we just need to step into our dusty overalls and become the rightful stewards of our land.

If the vision of having your ideal homestead dances around your head while you practice your canning, quilting or soap making skills - then you are in the right place

We welcome you to our society of hopeful homesteaders as we turn our waiting room into our classroom and stockpile the skills, knowledge and practice we need to be successful…on the homestead.

So The power of Manifestation is being able to harness your true destinies and desires in life by consciously putting them into vision, and then into reality. Everything you want of the universe is already yours. The clearer your thoughts are, the more timely and precisely the delivery will come.

Your homestead is no longer a dream, a wish or a vision. It already exists, you can call it into view and you will be led to your ideal homestead the clearer you see it in your current life. Part of this deliberate practice is declaring yourself a farmer, homesteader, rancher, homeschooler, maker, etc.

Go ahead say it now  — I am a Homesteader. I am a Farmer.

Now, there are two  major factors to being present in your vision of a homestead. First, the visualization work. Clearly visualizing every detail of your homestead; the animals, the property, the trees, the placement of your home on the land, the number of acres, the location in the country, will there be a lake, stream, pond our outbuildings…all these details must be called into your mind’s view. You can support the visualization process with writing this all down in a manifestation journal, or like me, a plain ol’ spiral bound notebook.

If you’ll allow me, I’ll go through a couple pages of what I have listed in my notebook in order to get you started.

I begin with my declaration — that’s page one….


I’ve also included my vision board inside my notebook. I reserved the first 4 pages to gluing in various pictures, words and sayings that represented the way I saw my homestead, the way I wanted to feel when I was a finally on my homestead and some encouraging images to help me along the journey.

I date every page and I carry this notebook everywhere, because I think of my homestead ALL. THE. TIME. And when something strikes me, I write it down immediately and I like to measure how far I’ve come from week to week which brings me to the second most important factor in the Manifest your Homestead process.

Many of you have heard the adage, Turn your waiting room into your classroom. This means that if you are waiting for your dream to arrive, use the time to learn, research hand test the skills you’ll need when that ideal time and space arrives. We, as homesteaders, do this by learning new skills like canning, quilting, soap making, composting, backyard gardening, up cycling, you get the idea. We become the women our homesteads will require us to be…right now. We step into the well-worn boots of a farmer right now in our humble beginnings so when the opportunity arrives, we are found worthy stewards of our land.

So, in your journal, write in all the skills you will need on your farm. For example, my homestead has a lake full of fish it also has a general store. Since I plan to sell smoked fish dip and teach families how to fish — I will need to learn how to properly clean, smoke and dry fish. Since, I currently don’t know how to do this — I contacted a local fisherman and asked him to teach me the next time he went out on the boat. There are tons of skills like this that you too will need to learn in order to be self-sufficient and successful. Why not learn them now as you step fully into becoming the homesteading woman that’s calling you to your land.

You know, motivational speakers Jim Rohn and Tony Robbins says something in their teachings that really resonates in a time like this in 2020. They say during “winter” we should prepare for Spring, we become wiser, we focus on building, preparing and learning in time for the season of opportunity, which is Spring. Winter doesn’t last forever and this time we are in will not last forever so we must use this winter to prepare for the time opportunity is laid before us. Because as homesteaders, we know that harvest doesn’t come to those who don’t plant, harvest doesn’t come to those that hope or those who wish or to those who have their fingers crossed — harvest only comes to those who planted.

Harvest will come to you if you declare out loud and in writing that you are stepping into your desire, you are calling your abilities into reality TODAY. Learn, dedicate yourself, immerse yourself, you are a homesteader right now. You need to believe it. You need to only look forward and not ask HOW — how will this come to me, how can I visualize this if I don’t know where my homestead will be, HOW can I do this work when I have no savings, or I don’t know how I will make money — that’s not your job. It’s not your job to ask HOW, its not your job to know HOW — The universe will align in your favor and God’s grace will show up for you If you know, like you know, that you know — that your homestead has already been chosen for you — you just need to take the keys.

I believe in this practice so much that I’ve created a Manifest Your Homestead journal FREE for you to use on this journey to your ideal homestead. It’s a 30-day study and it’s the exact same steps I took in my manifestation practice.

If you want to come along this journey with other hopeful homesteaders, I invite you to join our free group on Facebook, Manifest your Homestead and go through the manifestation process with us! Want to see how I practice my manifestation daily — pop on over to my Manifest Your Homestead youtube channel where I show you exactly how it’s done with purpose and intention — and we’ll be on the road to our dream homestead in no time!

In the meantime, how can you stop waiting and start training for your homestead? It’s already out there and it’s waiting for you!

Thanks for listening and I cannot wait to meet you inside the Manifest your Homestead facebook group.